Thursday, February 25, 2010

Doug's return to Houston!

Doug has temporarily returned to Houston. He's been in Singapore for about 6 - 9 months now and will be here until the middle of March. Last night we had a "Welcome Back Doug" get together at The Tavern. We used to go to The Tavern every Wednesday for steak night, but we've kind of gotten burned out. Also, as we get older, we realize the hang overs hurt a lot more the next morning.... But we went last night for old time sake! And.....of course pictures were taken.
The group minus Chad and Aimee.
Lindi and me - Lindi IS alive and DOES still live in Houston - good to know! :)Doug and me. Notice the New Orleans Saints themed banner in the background - Good job Jenn and Aim! Jennifer, Chad, and Aimee

Aimee, me, and Jennifer

Tonight starts the rodeo cookoff. This has the making for a super weekend filled with good food, good drink, good laughs, and awesome memories! :) I'm going with JP and some of our old college buddies are coming in town tonight for the weekend's festivities. I can't wait!! My weekend starts in exactly 3 hours!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So, I just thought I would catch the blog up from the weekend. On Friday I went to Katy to meet JP at some oil field event put on by Halliburton. It was a typical oil field event with tents set up in a big barn type building and lots of food and beverages. JP had been there since noon-ish cooking Jambalaya (which was maybe the best one I've ever eaten). We walked around a bit and did some socializing, then we headed out to a place called Mo's Place. At Mo's Place, JP and I showed these Texans how to dance Louisiana style - well we danced in the middle of the dance floor and twirled instead of going around in a circle doing to two-step......actually we got some pretty funny looks.

Of course Elvis was at the Halliburton event......"Elvis, I thought he was dead....."

JP enjoying his Jager-bombs. No good night out on the town is complete without Jager-bombs.

On Saturday, I went and met up with some mates at Taps for a pub crawl. It was pretty fun - althought I wasn't really big into the scavenger hunt aspect.....I just wanted to "socialize" with the gang. So....eventually we decided we were too good for the pub crawl and decided to go to Porch Swing where we spent the rest of the evening.

These are some good shots of us walking down Washington from one pub to another. As you can see, we're enjoying ourselves.......all in all it was a good Saturday! :)

Here are a couple of before and afters.....this is what can happen if you drink too much, kids :) Thanks Ricky Bobby for providing the entertainment as usual!!

On Sunday I went and saw Avatar in 3D at the Imax theater. It was spectacular, amazing, fantastic, stupendous!.....and to think I didn't want to see it when it first came out. I would definately pay to go see it again!! I told my roomate last night that I've never been so attracted to a blue person before....she concurred!! :)

Last night I watched the Olympics free dance competition in figure skating. Canada = gold, US = silver. I had to stay up late and watch them give out the medals, so therefore I slept late and got to work an hour late.....but fortunately since I've only got three weeks left, no one seemed to notice! YAY!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010


So....everytime I go out for cocktails I come to work starving. This morning I drove to work with a huge box of goldfish in my lap shoving handfuls in my mouth. Then I get to work and eat banana bread, fruit gummies, and a roll that I brought to eat with my red beans and rice for lunch......and at this moment all I can think about is more food!!! I really want a Jason's Deli egg, ham, and cheese wrap.....mmmmmm......that sounds so good - my mouth is actually watering!!

The picture illustrates the vastness of the box of goldfish!!

I'm supposed to be going to Dallas today, but since I didn't get any packing done last night (due to aforementioned cocktail hour) and I don't really have any clean clothes (also a result of the cocktail hour), I don't think I'll make it to Dallas today after all. I'm sorry Lizzie, but I will try my best to get there on Saturday morning.....

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Last night I had my first bit of crawfish for the season!!!.....followed by cream cheese filled king cake. I couldn't have asked for a better Ash Wednesday!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mardi Gras Mambo!! :)

Last weekend I went to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Several of us left at noon on Friday and made our way to Bourbon by 7:00 - ish....

This is a picture of Michelle and I on our way....... This was before the Cabela's stop in Gonzalez where the boys opted to look for guns and Michelle and I opted for cocktails!! :)

These two pictures are of the early crew who left early on Friday enjoying Bourbon street before it gets too crazy!!

Once we met up with the rest of the guys, we all went to a bar that played really good jazz music. As seen by the above pictures, the girls were really loving it!

It's now Saturday and we're trying to head uptown to get ready for Endymion parade......but not before a stroll on the riverwalk. I had to take a picture of the Natchez!!

We made it to Endymion! :)

Aimee and I rocking the ice chest views!! I'm short.....that's my excuse!

Enjoying Endymion!! What a great day!!

The girls went out!

......and I even made it to Lafitte's.

Ben and Micah at Bacchus Bash on Sunday.

Bacchus parade.....missed Drew Brees because I was in line for the ladies room at Lucy's. What kind of crap is that! It was still fun though.

Ben and I at Bacchus.

Look at who I ran into later in the night......JP and Stacy!!

Stacy and I

I made it home from Mardi Gras on Monday. I worked yesterday and gave my two weeks notice yesterday, so I'm really doing it. I'm heading off to Ft. Lauderdale on March 13th to start my new life as a yacht stewardess. Everyone here has been super supportive. I expected the worse and am pleasantly surpised with the best support group I could have imagined. I'm really looking forward to my new life..... :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Eating California Raisins.....

I'm sitting in my office eating california raisins and I've just finished a granola bar - I'm thinking that office life accounts for a few extra poundage. I wish there was more to do in a job than sit for 9 hours a day 5 days a week - I feel like that if my legs don't get more use, they might just rot off!!

Because I don't want anyone reading this to miss out on all the fun, the above picture is my view. Thank goodness for weekends and a 9/80 schedule, because my weekend starts in about 1 hour and 15 minutes!!

I'm still trying to decide what to do this weekend - New Orleans or Dallas? New Orleans is going to be crazy and a blast, especially since the Saints just won the Superbowl and it's Mardi Gras. Dallas would be a bit more relaxing, and I think that would be the wiser of the two.....but....I've never been pinned as the girl who makes a lot of wise decisions.....hmmmmm.....

Last night I went to the tavern and met up with some people from work. It was pretty fun. So far there's nothing on the agenda for tonight, but I'm afraid that may change in the next several hours. Hopefully, I'll remember to take some picutres. This blog needs a little more than pictures from my office :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Yesterday, I went to work until 2:30, then I went to the eye doctor. I got a good report - YAY!!! I ordered another year supply of contacts and bought a new pair of glasses. Now I have two good pairs of frames - one black and one brown. After the eye doctor, I went home and jogged. It was windy/ poor little ears were burning. When I got in from my jog, I convinced my roomate to have a couple glasses of wine at Cedar Creek and all we did was talk about Drew and Brittany Brees....I don't know about her, but I'm obssessed with Drew!! ;)

My office door - showing my creativity! :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Superbowl Sunday!!

I wanted to share some photos from Sunday!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Blog #1

So, I've decided to try out this blogging thing. I think this year is going to be a great year with lots of adventures, and I wanted a place to put these memories and stories for all to see.....or all who want to see.

This weekend I returned from Rio, Brazil Saturday morning before 6:00 am, so when I got to my house I went straight to sleep - after a quick stop in the kitchen for a snack which consisted of white chocolate covered strawberries and a valentine's day sugar cookie! :) Later that afternoon I went for a jog. The weather on Saturday was absolutely beautiful, and it was a great day for a jog. After my jog I was feeling much better about myself and decided to go meet my roomate and her boyfriend at our local watering hole, Cedar Creek.

Sunday was Superbowl Sunday!!! Saints vs Colts!! Saints won 31-17!!! I watched it with a bunch of my Louisiana friends here in Houston. After the game ended and the Saints had secured the VICTORY, all of us ran outside and performed second line for all of the neighbors to see and hear us. Anytime a car would drive by, we all would yell "WHO DAT" in unison!! It was super/fantastic/stupendous!!! A historical event for Saints fans!!