Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Job interviews!!

It's Tuesday afternoon! Yesterday was a full day! I got up early and went to the doctor to get my ENG 1 medical certificate. I couldn't pass the eye exam - which they do without glasses - so I'm not fit for watch duty, but everything else is good and healthy!! After that I came back to the crew house and started calling different crew agencies setting up appointments, etc. I went for an appointment in the morning at one agency. The lady was really nice and very positive. When I got back from the interview, it was lunch time. I ate some lunch, and then my phone rang. It was the chief stew from a motor yacht in the USVI. We talked for about 45 minutes - good phone interview. I had another appointment at 4:00 with another crew agency, and once again, he sounded really positive!

Today, I woke up and walked down to the docks. I was really just trying to get a feel for dockwalking, which I've quickly found out isn't going to be easy!! I need to start off small asking for day work. I also need to get there earlier, which was my initial intention today, but stupid me set the damn alarm for 7:30 instead of 6:30. I've learned my lesson!! But today has not been a total waste! I've got an iterview tonight with a captain on a 118' vessel as 2nd stew. They are planning to go up to the new england states for the summer season. Also, the captain from the yacht in the USVI called today and cleared up some questions/concerns I which had come up in mind since talking to the chief stew yesterday!! All in all things are going in the forward direction. I'm hoping to have something nailed down by the end of next week. I'll know more in the next post!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easy like Sunday morning......

Well it's Sunday morning and I'm playing on my computer. I've got some big plans today - go for a long jog and lay out at the beach.....of course the forecast calls for rain, so my plans may be shot. This week is going to be a week of trying to find a job. Today/tonight I'm going to finish registering at crew agencies, so when I go there tomorrow that's one less step. I have an interview over the phone tomorrow for a 152' boat in the Caribbean. They're looking for two stews for a chater in May, and then they'll keep one of the two to take to the Med in the summer....pick me pick me!! :) I also heard from another captain who is based in the Caribbean. I'm not sure about this job, but I'll see about meeting with the captain and go from there. The boat is a 164' vessel and the family who owns it apparently a laid back southern family....so I have some prospects anyways!!

I found a couple of pictures from STCW. The ones below were taken at the pool. There are more from firefighting, but I'm waiting on them to be emailed to me.

Yesterday, I went to the beach for a bit. The pictures below were taken at a bar called route 66 located across the street from the bar. It reminded me of club la vila in panama city. We also made it just in time for the bikini contest...lucky us!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Disney Pictures

Ben sent me his pictures from Disney World. They're posted below!

This is the picture taken from the Tower of Terror ride. This ride puts people in a cage-like room simulating an elevator going up an elevator shaft, then it drops you from 13 stories and bounces you back up again. It was terrifying the first two times, and I had a death grip on Ben's arm.....but the fourth time we rode it, I was ready to pose for the camera. Ben and I are the two idiots in the front - he's strangling me, and I'm playing dead.

Epcot Center

The Buzz Lightyear Ride.

Magic Kingdom
This week I've been in the STCW BST class. Monday, was an all day lecture....pretty boring stuff. Tuesday, another all day lecture, but Tuesday night we went to the pool to do sea survival drills in the pool. Then Tuesday night a house mate, Andrea, and I went to Waxy's for a bit. Then we went and met up with my buddy Shaun (I met him in New Orleans last October/November with the Red Sapphire crew). He's on a boat named Imagine which is being built in New Orleans right now, but they've had a smaller Imagine (112') here in Ft. Lauderdale and it's just been sold. It was Andrea's first time aboard a yacht!
Yesterday, we went to fire safety school. It was a lecture all day as well. Last night I went back to Waxy's with Andrea and Taylor (another housemate). While at Waxy's, I ran into the Kiwi (he was Jono's roomate in New Orleans - also on the Red Sapphire) It was crazy seeing him. We hung out the rest of the night and played catch up!! I think he and Shaun will be here this weekend, so I'm looking forward to hanging out with them some. Shaun's twin brother Ryan is going to be in Ft. Lauderdale next week, so I'll get a chance to see him also. :-)
On Saturday a couple girls and I are going to the West Palm Beach boat show and give out our CVs - put our name and information out there. I've also received an email from an lady who is an independent crew placement agent, and she wants to meet me on Saturday while at the boat show.
My interview for Friday got post-poned. The lady giving the interview is going to be out of town, so she wants to do an interview over the phone on Monday....then meet me as soon as possible. I still don't know any details about this boat or this job, but I sent the chief stewardess an email tonight asking for some more details - so hopefully I should know more soon!! I'm hoping to have a job by the end of next week. That's just a goal I'm setting for myself!
Tonight, I'm taking it easy. I'm doing laundry and catching up on things. Tomorrow is first aid/CPR, then I'm done with STCW and fully qualified to work on yachts!!! YAY!!!! I'm so excited about getting job!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

1 week down.....

So, the first week is over....and what a week it was. I completed and passed my 5-day master stewardess course and enjoyed it!! :) We learned basic seamanship, proper place setting, plated, Russian, and French service, basic floral upkeep, touched on bartending, and caviar, wine, and cheese service.
The above picture shows one of my place settings!
On Wednesday, St. Patrick's Day, I went to a Triton networking party with a housemate and one of the girls from my stewardess class, Kylie. I was supposed to meet the female captain there, but she was working late that day and had to miss it. After that, I went to an Irish pub which is known for being a yachtie pub. It was so crowded, and I was able to make several contacts. After that Kylie and I walked to the Village Well, and I met more people. I hitched a ride back to the crew house with an Aussie bloke on his scooter......there are a ton of scooters here!!

On Thursday after class, I went for a jog down to the docks with Kylie. I took my iphone and took some pictures of different yachts......for your viewing pleasure :)
In Ft. Lauderdale, they have all these water inlets with huge yachts berthed in front of HUGE HUGE even HUGER mansions. It's crazy sick!! There's so much money!! I tried to show this, but my iphone camera can only do so much.

This was take fron 17th St. Bridge.

On Friday, I went to my final stay of Stewardess school. After that, I caught a plane to Orlando and met up with Ben for a weekend full of Disney!! When I got to Orlando, we went to downtown Universal Studios....something like that.....and they have a Pat O's.... so of course we went there. It was great fun!!

On Saturday we went to Magic Kingdom and Epcot Center, and rode rides until 1:00 am. It was so exhausting, but so much fun!!!....except for fighting with the strollers. I think Ben may have lost a toenail because of those damn strollers!! Sorry to my friends with babies :) I finally got to do Space Mountain which I've waited a long time to have someone ride it with me.....like 15 years! Thanks Ben!! ;)

On Sunday, we did Hollywood Studios. It rained some, which caused some of the crowd to thin out. When it quit raining, Ben and I rode the same two rides over and over again. We rode Tower of Terror 4 times. The first two times, I latched onto Ben's arm - I'm such a baby. It drops you like 13 stories then bounces you back up then drops you again. After the second time, I was in love with and wanted to keep riding it!! They had another ride I really liked called Rockin Rollercoaster. It's an Aerosmith ride, so during the whole ride, they're playing Aerosmith songs in your ear! I think it was my favorite! I should have some pictures from the Disney trip eventually.....when Ben uploads them. I didn't take my camera....I didn't want to carry a purse. They have a separate line for bag checks and it gets really long. The key was to try and avoid long lines and strollers :)

Today, I started STCW BST. It's just a basic survival course. Tomorrow, we'll have lecture all day, which is what we had today, and then do some stuff at the pool tomorrow night. It should be very similar to what I've already done in offshore BST for M-I.

I sent my resume off for a private/charter job in the Bahamas, and they want to meet with me Friday at lunch. My first interview!! Yipee!! :-P

Monday, March 15, 2010

Welcome to Ft. Lauderdale! :)

I've arrived in Ft. Lauderdale!! My flight landed yesterday, and I reached the crew house around 5:30. I was a bit nervous upon arrival - mainly because I was walking into something completely unknown. Once I got settled in, I took a walk to see my surroundings. I was given directions to the close grocery store, but I got side-tracked when I saw a Subway and a Liquor store all in the same shopping center. I came home, ate my Subway, then tried to tackle the grocery store errand one more time. The second time was a success!! I bought breakfast and dinner food and called a cab to bring me home.

The crew house is full of people!! There are three girls in the crew house - One Canadian, one South African, and me. There are a bunch of dudes. There in and out, so I'm exactly sure how many there are right now. I think 5 or 6 - they have their own rooms, etc.
Today, I started the 5-day stew course. There are three girls in that too - one Canadian, one American, and me. It's a good class. Today was pretty introductory, but I think the rest of the week should be more involved with performing actual stewardess classes. I'm getting really excited about breaking into this industry!!
Tonight, I had dinner with a captain whose information I got from Emily Turner, friend from Houston. The captain is inbetween jobs right now, but seems like she is willing to put my name out there if she hears of any stew openings. She invited me to a Triton party on Wednesday and will hopefully introduce me to several of her captain friends. After the Triton party, I plan to go to Waxy's (the local yachtie/crew Irish pub) and meet up with Shaun, one of the guys I met in New Orleans working on The Red Sapphire. He says he'll help me do some networking at the yachtie bar.

I joined a gym today for a month. It was $55 for the month.....I think that's a steal. They give yachties a discount - I'm a yachtie now!!! YAY!!

This past weekend I went to Natchez to see my parents and go to Brooke's baby shower. I hung out with my parents on Friday and ate an amazing steak. They're doing well and are heading to Bristol for the NASCAR race this week!! On Saturday, I drove into town and went to Brooke's party at Biscuits and Blues. It was great to see all the girls!! I don't know when I'll get the chance to see them again.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bon Voyage H-Town....

Well, this is the last time I'll ever write this blog while I'm bored at work, using this computer, sitting in this office.....isn't it exciting!! Yep, today is my last day of work, and tomorrow I'm off on a new adventure/chapter....well after the weekend at home with the fam, I'm off on the new adventure/chapter.

This week has been crazy busy; therefore I haven't even begun to pack! I'm leaving Houston on a flight tomorrow morning at 7:30, and I don't know how long I'll be gone......and I haven't even begun to pack or do laundry, and jeans take over 24 hours to dry - I guess I'll be carrying wet jeans in my bag. One simple truth....I'm an idiot who will not get any sleep tonight!

Last night the girls had a Bon Voyage dinner for me at our favorite restaurant in the Heights, Colina's. It was great! They gave me a ton of Jack Daniels as a going away present - the small bottles so I can travel with them :) AWESOME!! My original intentions were to go have dinner with the girls, then go home and start cleaning/organizing my room so packing tonight would be a bit easier.......but instead I went to Cedar Creek and drank more wine and slept through my alarm clock this morning. I woke up to Bonnie knocking on my door asking me if I knew it was 7:00, which is when I'm supposed to be at work. I figured since it's my last day I could be a little late, so I fixed a huge bowl of cereal and watched about 15 minutes of Saved by the Bell before I even thought about getting dressed. I strolled in the office around 8:00 - no one said a word! I also plan to take a two hour lunch break and leave this afternoon around 3:30.....and play on facebook all day! I actually should be in the lab mixing some stuff right now, but since I'm so good at delegating............and since I won't be here again.....ever, I don't see any mixing in my near future.

Thanks to all my Houston girls who came last night!! It was great and meant a lot. I also really liked the card signed by all of you - I always wanted one!! ;-)

.....and thanks Emily for setting me up with a contact in Ft. Lauderdale - a female captain!!! YAY!! It's fate!! So, see good things do come to those who drink at bars and put off doing the important things :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Last weekend in Houston :(

Last weekend was a blast....and a killer!! On Friday night the Houston group/Lindi and Cappy decided it would be a good idea to throw a party themed "It's 5:00 Somewhere" in my honor....kind of as a going away party. The theme was Hawaiian/beachy. I decided to dress up as a stewardess might.... There were some good pictures from the party, but I didn't take any. I'm waiting on them to be uploaded to facebook, and then I will add them.

The pictures below are from late night/dance party Friday night at JP's house. This is after my going away party and after going to Rebels. Lindi and Cappy came over for one of mine and JP's famous dance parties!!

Lindi is trying to teach Cappy how to "get down!" Not very successful.....

This was taken Saturday night. On Saturday JP and I went to Armadillo Palace for the Krewe of Cajuns and Cowboys crawfish boil. We ate awesome crawfish - which made me very happy since I'm about to move to Florida where there will be NO good Louisiana crawfish. We stayed at Armadillo Palace all day. The picture is of Chief, one of JP's vendors, and me. We're heading to Rebels Honky Tonk from The Armadillo.

This may have been one of best truck rides in my life. Chief's CD was amazing.....it took me back to Andrew's Tavern in Natchez......all Andrew's music minus Bonnie Tyler - which is a staple I know. I think a tear may have been shed even without Bonnie present.
Sunday I did nothing but eat....all day! It was very much needed. In the afternoon JP and I went to watch Shutter Island. Not a bad flick, but I would suggest waiting until DVD.

Last night JP took me to see Tim McGraw at the Rodeo. We had suite tickets which we almost didn't get to use. JP had them in his pocket, and when we got out of the cab, they dropped in the middle of the street. We walked all the way, two blocks, to Rheliant Stadium before realizing they were lost. We retraced our steps....all the while knowing that if they were picked up by someone else, they were gone forever. JP was trying to get in touch with our cab in the same place we got dropped off, and what do you know......there's a white envelope in the middle of the street. I ran out there to grab it, and it was our tickets, which had been run over several time.....but still our tickets none the less. Thank God because Tim McGraw put on a great performance....even if I was suffering from a severe allergy attack the whole time :)

Because he's such a cool guy, he went around the arena and shook everyone's hand that had floor seats. That's hundreds of handshakes and hundreds of super happy fans who will probably never wash their hand again. It was pretty cool - most performers just stay up on the stage, but not Tim McGraw!

Well, enough procrastinating! I've got things to do and not a lot of time to do them in. I only have 3 more days of work, and a report to finish.....with any luck, I'll finish it today!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rodeo....Dierks Bentley

Last night I went to the Rodeo with Crystal, and JP went to the rodeo with Robert.....it worked out perfectly since JP and I are such good friends!! :) Dierks Bentley was the entertainer of the evening. Most people go to the rodeo for the entertainment - there's always a famous singer or band playing after the actual rodeo festivities. But honestly, I really enjoy watching the actual rodeo part. I'm very uneducated in the matters of rodeo-ing, so I tend to relate everything to the movie 8 seconds and Lane Frost. Last night I asked JP if Lane Frost and Tuff Hedemen used to come to these rodeo events in Houston every year. I was also asking about the scoring of a bullrider and Robert, who was in the 4H club in highschool (I had to ask what the 4H club was since I graduated with 27 kids....we only had key club!), was going over the specifics and I said, "Oh so that's why Lane Frost moves like that in 8 Seconds." 8 Seconds is such an amazing movie - with really bad acting.....I do have to admit.

Crystal and Robert

JP and me

.........and Dierks Bentley!! Good times!!!

Yesterday, the tech service department had a farewell lunch for me. We went to Cantina Loredo. They have the best guacamole appetizer of any other Mexican restaurant in this city - and there are a LOT of Mexican Restaurants!! They make it table-side....it's sooooo delicious. I was a bit nervous about this lunch at first. I expected all these older men who have made long careers here at M-I to think I'm idiot for leaving to go pursue a career sailing the seas, but most of them are more envious than anything else. They've been extremely supportive and positive!! It's a good feeling because I'm beginning to feel a bit nervous....which is know is normal when someone quits there job without another one lined up!! Anyway, it just feels good to have their support! :)

This picture is just an example of what I do everyday in a lab. I play with mud! It's not a bad gig, but I can't wait to be on a boat in the Med, Caribbean, Pacific, or along the east or west coast of the US. I'm just ready to be on a boat!!! I'm praying that it works out!!! If anyone out there is reading this, please wish me luck :P

Monday, March 1, 2010

Rodeo Cookout

This weekend was Rodeo Cookoff. That's the start of the Houston Rodeo that is a month long. The rodeo brings in big rodeo competitors and big bands/singers. It's a pretty fun month in Houston - maybe the best. I went to the Cookoff with JP. His dad's company has a tent, and this is my second year to enjoy their hospitality. Some friends from LSU came up on Thursday for the weekend as well. It was good to see them - it had been too long! :)
Thursday night JP and I went up to the Cookoff and Jacob and Crystal came and met up with us when they got into town.

At the Cookoff when Jacob and Crystal arrived.
Me and CrystalThe boys - later on that night Jason and his girlfriend, Amber arrived. We went to Cedar Creek.

Friday, we headed back to the Cookoff for a day of drinking and eating. JP cooked an amazing seafood gumbo!

After the Cookoff we went to Rebels Honky Tonk! Lindi and I showed off some amazing dance moves! She punched a dude in the nose with her fist pumping, and I fell over backwards as I tried to go to the floor- because falling is what I do ;) I may be too old to try and "go to the floor"

On Saturday the boys dropped JP off at the Cookoff early so he could get started on the Jambalaya. The rest of the crew did a little shopping in Houston. We decided to not to get out to the Cookoff as early as the day before - we were a little sluggish on Saturday and wanted to nurse our hangovers a bit. After eating JP's amazing jambalaya, we got ready to watch Better than Ezra. The above picture is of the boys as they wait for BTE to come on.

Standing on our tables beforing the crazy dancing began! :)

Our crew was standing/gyrating on 3 picnic tables in the back. At the end BTE gave us a shout out - saying we look like a choir. It was awesome.....and of course that made us even more excited!! It was great!!
After the Cookout, we went back to Rebels Honky Tonk and JP and I showed off our amazing dance skills.....no one fell this time, thank goodness.

After Rebels we took the party back to JP's house and had a dance party of our own. All the girls and JP were dancing...it was great.

Yesterday, was a very quiet day. There wasn't much activity. JP, Jacob, Crystal, and I went to have lunch. Then they headed back to Louisiana. JP and I went to pick up his truck, which had been at Rheliant Stadium since Thursday, then he and I watched several episodes of weeds, ate sushi, and watched more Weeds.
Today starts two more weeks of working at M-I. I'm getting scared of leaving the norm and heading into the unknown, but more excited I think! I'm super ready to see what I'm getting myself into as a yacht stewardess! :)
This week I'm going to see Alan Jackson and Dierks Bently at the rodeo. JP and I were supposed to go see Shutter Island tonight, but we're going to do it next week instead. It's probably for the best - I think I need a good night's rest. Well, it's almost 5:30 and I really should head down to the gym....I'm procrastinating!